For over 50 years, we’ve been making Oversize Load signs and through that experience we’ve seen the need for different styles. Depending on what you are hauling, our truck safety signs come in a variety of sizes and features to keep you and others safe and within code for your OD heavy haul. This 12” x 60” “OVERSIZE LOAD” two sided hinged aluminum sign is made from 0.090” premium quality aluminum with 10” black letters on a safety yellow background. The specially made hinge extends the full length of the sign and is attached using a special VHB adhesive which is also pressed with over 3000 lbs of pressure. Hinged aluminum safety signs work great when bolted to bumpers and folded down when not in use. This OVERSIZE LOAD sign is made in the USA for our Colorado truckers as it meets Colorado sign requirements. Bigger. Stronger. Safer. Ms. Carita SafeTruck.